All Pets Veterinary Medical Center Radiology and Ultrasound

Most people are familiar with x-rays through either personal experience or through their pet having them conducted. It is a common procedure and a powerful tool in detecting and treating a variety of conditions.
Depending on the part of the pet being radiographed, species of the patient, and calmness of the pet, the patient may be able to remain awake during the procedure. Most x-rays do not require sedation. Sedation may be required if the animal is in pain, aggressive, or cannot lie still.
Some of conditions which require radiographs include:

- Broken bones
- Tumors or masses
- Obstructions

- Bladder stones
- Hip dysplasia
Our facilities and staff here in College Station have the necessary tools at their disposal to conduct high-quality x-rays:

- Trained and compassionate technicians and veterinarians
- Large digital radiograph machine table
- Portable dental, wing, and paw digital x-ray machine
- Barium series administration and interpretation
- Padded troughs to aid in comfort
- Sedation and anesthesia while using digital monitoring equipment available when necessary
- X-ray equipment to produce x-rays during surgical procedures

An ultrasound machine utilizes sound waves to provide an image of parts of the body below the skin. This technique is commonly used to obtain images of soft tissues. Ultrasonography is commonly used for abdominal and chest exams because of its ability to view the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, intestines, bladder and lymph nodes. The thyroid gland and reproductive organs are sometimes viewed as well using ultrasound.